I know I have been extremely MIA with this blog, and I am deeply sorry for the few people who actually read this haha. Blogging and fashion have always been my passions, but I have been cheating on them with my other passion that I have been pursuing: traveling. I have traveled to New York City and Morocco in the past month, and will be going to London and Paris at the beginning of January. As part of my birthday gift, my parents have let me travel to all these places during my winter vacation, and I cannot be more blessed to be able to experience all this! I am truly grateful and humbled to have the opportunity to travel to all these amazing places in the world, which was why I wanted to capture and document every aspect of my trip. I just wanted to share some of these moments with you guys so I hope you guys enjoy!
As you can tell, I enjoy jumping in my pictures.... :P I am only on my 4th day in Morocco and will be traveling to a couple more cities including Marrakesh. Can't wait for 2014 and what is to come in the future. So much has happened since I started college in August, and I am just happy to be where I am today. I wish the best to everyone, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!
Love Always,