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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Let's waste time chasing cars

Photos courtesy of Michael Isenburg Photography

Outfit Details
Top: thrifted
Jacket: thrifted
Pants: ebay

A lot can change in a month. New friendships formed, old friends lost, rekindled friendships from the past, and unexpected relationships blossomed. These past few weeks have been an emotional roller coaster, leaving me restless and busy. Midterms are over for me, and another wave of projects and papers is just overwhelming me yet again. I kind of want to treat this blog more like a personal diary now, documenting not only how my style has progressed, but also how I mature as an individual since coming to college. I'm super excited for Halloween so I can dress up and go out and just have fun. I've been going to the gym almost everyday because it's really been helping me cope with stress. I'm eating healthier than I did back home, and I'm exercising more so I can temporarily escape from all the things I need to worry about. I feel like a more refreshed person, and knowing that everyday a new challenge awaits makes me feel alive. I haven't felt like this in a long time, and I'm just glad I've found my outlet and source of motivation. I'm hungrier than ever to succeed in this pool of talented, aspiring successes that I cannot afford to just camouflage myself. I got an A on my first college essay in my writing intensive class, which surprised me because I never got A's on essays in high school. That really allowed me to take a step back and realize that I deserve to be here and I earned my place to be here. I miss my family and home everyday, but I know I am here for a purpose. I sound so cheesy but I'm just really proud of myself to have made it this far and I'm just in such a good place right now. Also, my best friend is coming to NYC to visit me for my birthday, which I am so stoked for because I miss her so much. I'm humbled to be surrounded by amazing people and to have kept in contact with my friends from high school, the ones who have been genuine friends to me. Vampire Weekend was amazing even though that was from September, and I am so excited to see Sky Ferreira in November! A lot has gone on and I just love being busy and living my days to the fullest. I hope everyone is doing well in school and constantly revisiting their passion for what they love. Stay fabulous and I love you guys!

Love Always,